As a wedding photographer, learning how to start a photography blog is essential to the success of your wedding photography business. Blogging for photographers is a way to highlight your photographic talents while also showcasing your personality. With a blog, you can generate interest in your photography brand and help generate quality leads. The extensive photography blog post ideas you create can then lead to building an even more extensive client base.
How To Start a Photography Blog
For every business owner, your blogs are a rewarding opportunity for brand awareness. Being a wedding photographer, before you move to the content part of strategizing blog tips and ideas, you need to understand how to start a photography blog. Here are the top 5 tips to learn how to write a photography blog and use it to grow your business.
1. Know That Timing Is Everything
Mostly after an exhausting day of photography, you prefer taking some time to relax before getting down to starting a photography blog, editing and sharing it with your clients. Remember that the eagerness for wedding pictures does not remain the same forever. For everyone involved in the wedding, their excitement is at its peak during the first 72 hours after the shoot, a.k.a. The Golden Window of Impact, after which it starts declining gradually.
The excitement and impact will have died down if you take too long to share your professional images, as there may already be dozens of wedding images uploaded from guests’ smartphones or personal cameras. By aiming to publish the blog post right away you create maximum impact on your clients and help speed up the rest of your post-shoot workflow.
2. Create Catchy Headlines
Creating content and uploading photos for each blog post is important but you must make it a part of your starting a photography blog routine to work on photography blog name ideas.
With how saturated social media is with content, you need eye-catching titles for people to stop and click on your posts. The headlines are just as important as the actual blog post itself. Generating clickable headlines and titles to intrigue your reader’s minds is an excellent place for you to be creative and connect with potential clients. While you work on your headlines, replace generic titles with exciting or unique highlights about the wedding.
Suggested Read: 5 Simple Ways To Create Catchy Blog Post Titles
3. Get Active on Social Media
Once you have uploaded your blog post, you will want to reach out to those involved in the wedding day. The goal of this is to help gain traction on the photography blog post ideas. You can tag the bride, groom, and vendors on social media, alerting them that your post about their wedding is ready to be seen and shared. Once you tag your clients, it reaches everyone they’re connected to on social media, in turn increasing your brand awareness.
Suggested Read: How To Create A Successful Social Media Strategy
Our Tip: When working with vendors who share a similar ideal client as you, ensure to include a few extra photos that showcase their work within the post. This can encourage them to share it more through their network and get in front of potential clients.
4. Work on Your Blogging Strategy
As you work on the photography topics to write about for your blogging strategy, you may find one of the more challenging aspects is staying consistent with it. Developing a calendar for the month ahead of time, will help you with a schedule outline for yourself to stay on track.
The calendar will allow you to think of wedding blog ideas for your posts ahead of time so you have a clear idea of what to blog about each week. You might think about the best days and times to post. Remember to keep a consistent schedule irrespective of your reader’s count, because blogging consistently can help you grow your followers exponentially.
Suggested Read: 15 Ideas To Help You Write Wedding Photography Blogs
Our Tip: If you only have a select number of weddings you shoot each year, you can still find ways to consistently blog. Create blog posts on your favorite wedding day details, or start a personal blog series. Also, outsourcing your blogging needs to a specialist, like Fotoskribe, can keep you on track to blog consistently throughout the year.
5. Include Keywords For SEO
In your blog topics for photographers, include the keywords that your ideal brides are searching for - this way you increase the chances of them coming across your blog on your photography websites and booking you. When you’re starting a photography blog, in the browser, type out keywords potential clients might be searching for, and as you type those, other commonly searched phrases will populate. This is an excellent way for you to learn some of the best keywords to use.
Simple keywords can sometimes be more powerful than a post full of technical language when it comes to SEO. For example, if you are a Boston-based wedding photographer, use some simple keywords within your blog, like “Boston wedding photos” and more. Consider what your brides would search for when looking for a wedding photographer. Blogging for photographers may not come naturally at first. But, once you develop a steady blogging routine, you can see a great return on time invested in your business.
Suggested Read: 24 Keywords You Need To Include in Your Blog
Photography Blog Ideas
In addition to the tips to help you learn how to start a photography blog, you can explore more blog topics for photographers to create content consistently. Many of us never give blogging a chance because we don’t think we have anything to share. We either struggle from a lack of blogging ideas or a lack of courage, or both. And this can be solved.
1. Keep Posting Content
Instead of being bound by fear, focus on what you have to offer your community. Sometimes we assume that blogging for photographers is not worth the time because only 40 people will be checking it daily, or because there's nothing left to share as everything has already been said before. Well, both reasons are not valid enough for you not to continue blogging because your business has a purpose. Your faithful followers deserve to hear from you, and your commitment to show up will eventually become your business's most incredible marketing tool.
2. Get Started
With the basic picture of how to start a photography blog, you are ready to start blogging. Ensure that your website is prepared and has a ‘blog’ section on the menu bar. This way, anyone visiting your website knows you have a dedicated blog page and then finds it quickly. The next step is planning what wedding blog post ideas do you write about or share? You can begin with photography blog examples like sharing personal photography incidents, posting current and former work, or educating your clients.
Suggested Read: Why You Need A Blog Calendar (And How To Create One)
3. Educate Others
You will grow when you focus on helping others instead of just highlighting yourself. For example, if you've come home from photographing a great wedding where you nailed the Off Camera Flash (OCF) shots, you can have a little blog post sharing why it finally clicked for you, post the images you loved, and photography tips! You're showcasing your work, but more importantly, you're providing valuable information for others. These photography blog post ideas and its content can prove valuable to your clients.
4. Share Your Experience
Blog topics for photographers in your calendar plan might revolve around diverse wedding ideas and inspirations for mostly couples. Photography blog examples here would include your interesting anecdotes, wedding photography events at popular wedding venues, dreamy photo series, mouth-watering wedding cake shots, go-to poses, and so much more. From the several photography topics to write about, the one that many people shy away from is informative and educational content topics. Most of us are constantly learning new things as we grow our businesses and this can be a great way to build a community in your industry for growth.
Suggested Read: 201 Creative Blog Post Ideas For Wedding Photographers
Top Blog Photography Tips
As a wedding photographer, you are now aware of how to start a photography blog and insights into a few photography blog ideas. Let's discover additional details about blogging for photographers effectively to get the perfect clients. While it is best advised that you post all your blogs on your official website, for someone who is just starting with how to write a photography blog, free online sites are the best place to start a photography blog. Here are the top blog photography tips to help you get started.
1. Be Strategic
Starting a photography blog, you must write, post, and build content based on the people you want to photograph. Consider what your clients want to read or see. Knowing your audience is an integral part of your business strategy and it’ll lead you to the perfect clients. Take some time to figure out who your ideal clients are and create content for them to enjoy.
Brides may spend hours cataloging through various photography websites, to get ideas for their wedding images. Pictures of the dress, getting ready, candid friends and family photos, and the first kiss will be on most of your clients’ lists. For photography blog post ideas, use these images that best represent you and your brand.
To set yourself up for success with blogging, shoot strategically for your blog posts. This will help you speed up your workflow and know which images are best to share on your photography blog.
2. Be Genuine
Your writing can represent your personality and help you connect with your clients, who want to know more about who you are as a photographer and a human. While blogging, you can emotionally connect with them, through not only words but also images that narrate the tale behind what made those pictures special. Show your clients your creativity with words and how well you enjoy and love what you do.
Suggested Read: Overcoming Writer's Block On Your Blog: Sharing Your Personal Photography Story
3. Be Consistent
Creating your blogging schedule is essential to your success when starting a photography blog. Choose the best times and days for your blog post and stick to it. Try to make your blogging goals as realistic as possible to avoid becoming overwhelmed. If you’ve planned to post twice a week, don't try to exceed that.
Another way to stay consistent in your blogging is to link your photography websites to your social media posts on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. These are effective media outlets photographers and help you connect with the clients. Share your blog posts through these social sites to gain traction, and encourage your followers to share your posts.
4. Start a Series
When you first learn how to write a photography blog, you must include wedding topics other than photography. As you’re starting a photography blog, include a blog series about something that is personal to you as a photographer. The Youngrens have a series called Recipe Sunday, where Erin takes creative pictures of food she has put together. This is just one of the many blog post ideas for photographers you can utilize.
If you are not much of a cook, try photographing the beautiful locations you visit. When you capture creative images, your clients can imagine how you would shoot the details on their wedding day and help them relate to your brand and your personality.
Suggested Read: 3 Steps To Creating A Personal Series On Your Blog
5. Be Systematic In Your Workflow
It’s crucial you set yourself up with systems to manage your workflow, whether you use a blog calendar or other programs to help. Here are just a few that can help you with your blogging workflow:
1. Asana
Asana is a task management tool that allows you to assign tasks and due dates, and it also allows you to schedule as far out as necessary to stay ahead with your blogging.
2. Storytailor
With Storytailor's automated, user-friendly interface, and behind-the-scenes tools you can simplify your workflow, and curate stories (in your blog posts) easier and better.
3. Fotoskribe
Fotoskribe, a ShootDotEdit Company, is the leading expert in blogging-as-a-service for professional wedding and portrait photographers. Fotoskribe is a team of professional and passionate storytelling bloggers. The bloggers unravel your complex ideas and inspirations, then create stories that people love to read (in a way that gets Google’s attention).
As you are learning how to start a photography blog, you can utilize an expert like Fotoskribe to help you get started and maintain a consistent blogging schedule.
Suggested Read: 3 Steps To Kickstart Your Blog
How To Create A Successful Blog Strategy
To win over clients and expand your business, you need to have a strategy in place for potential customers to find you online. Social media is one of the fastest ways for your business to get your brand out there and gain exposure. You need to use these social sites to your advantage by sharing blog posts relevant to your followers on each platform. Here are three ways to create a successful blog strategy to help you book more clients.
1. Create Dynamic Content
A dynamic content is one that is relevant and up-to-date. Consistent blogging with dynamic content can become the front-runner of your marketing game plan. Photography blog examples like compelling blog content from recent wedding photography sessions or personal experiences will help clients know you better, in turn, improve reader engagement. Most importantly, consistent and relevant content delivery is part of a successful SEO plan, leading to a higher ranking on Google.
Suggested Read: Using Content To Attract Engaged Couples
2. Write A Narrative
As you learn how to write a photography blog, your compelling and successful blog can become a more powerful tool for your photography websites to book clients. To create engaging content, include a narrative that goes along with the images. This helps potential clients understand the type of story you capture on the wedding day. While your website showcases your most striking and impressive images, your blog is a tool that allows you to expand on the specific events of the day that you found the most meaningful. The more engaging stories you share, the more clients will get to know you and feel connected to your photography style and brand.
3. Plan It Out
The best way to ensure regular blogging is to plan it out well. Research ideas, find out what your competitors are posting, note down your target keywords, and design all the blog photography topics to write about for a set period.
Plan out your photography blog post ideas ahead of time for each month. For example, pick a day and time where you fill four weeks worth of photos from recent and past weddings. Design a schedule of when you will share your content on social media. It is best to schedule posts when social media activity is heavy so more people can engage with your content. Make sure you capture their attention through your images and engaging blog content.
Blog posts that are shared through social media can be the bridge between you and your dream client. Sharing engaging posts consistently, might also encourage people to tune into your page or look for your posts at that specific time.
Suggested Read: How To Increase Social Media Engagement With Wedding Clients
The 5 Most Important Elements Of a Blog Post
Your clients first need to hear about you and your photography business, before they book you for their big day. Blogging, if done correctly, can be a great marketing tool to share your stunning photographs and reach potential clients who are looking for your service. Here are the 5 most important elements in a blog post:
1. SEO-Friendly Content
When thinking about how to start a photography blog, remember to blog consistently. Relevant and up-to-date content contributes to a successful SEO plan. Since search engines constantly rank sites with fresh content higher than sites with static content, a blog is a great way to create new content regularly without needing to redo your site each time. As you’re starting a photography blog ensure you follow a properly designed structure, so that with the right SEO boost your blog can work wonders to reach your potential clients.
Suggested Read: SEO Tips For Wedding Photographers: The Complete Guide
2. Link Building
Link building is an essential part of starting a photography blog. To rise higher in search engine algorithms, including links within your posts is essential. These can be outbound links to people, places, and things you refer to, or you can create inbound links that direct people to another of your blog posts. Wherever possible, link out to vendors because they can link back to you and drive traffic to your website.
3. Social Sharing
By controlling each piece of content on your blog, you can include easy ways for it to be shared. Make it part of your routine to share your blog posts to your social media platforms – this is a great way to gain additional exposure and attract potential clients. Make it simple for your viewers to share blog posts by including WordPress share plugins. Ensure the share icons are visible by placing them at the top or bottom of each post.
4. Image Optimization
One of the main reasons people might visit your blog is to view your photographs, so starting a photography blog you must adequately optimize them for the web. Your photos could be around 700-900 pixels wide and 72 dpi, depending on your blog theme. Since these images are on the web, including the full-resolution photos might not be necessary. You can use tools like Storytailor to prep images quickly and easily for your blog, or programs such as Lightroom or Photoshop to modify and resize pictures.
5. Categories And Tags
Categories define the overall broad theme of content that is published. As a wedding photographer, your categories may include weddings, engagements, or portraits. Tags, on the other hand, provide an additional section for you to add keywords with specific topic details. These may be search terms that potential clients are using on search like a popular venue name or location, indoor or outdoor wedding theme, specific seasonal weddings or bouquet design ideas.
Categories and tags within your posts are important to keep them organized and make it easy for viewers to find similar content within your blog. Understanding the difference between categories and tags, and using them well will get more people to visit your blog, resulting in higher SEO. By maintaining your blog and sharing it through various social media channels, you can increase traffic and book more clients.
Further Read: How To Attract New Readers To Your Blog
Blogging is a common task that gets pushed aside by wedding photographers, because it’s not always the most important task on hand - but this is what needs to change. Learning how to start a photography blog can be tremendously useful for you to grow your business. Once started, the challenge is figuring out how to blog consistently, share valuable blog topics for photographers, post on time, and keep up with the demands of the rest of your business. Overcoming these challenges with the processes discussed, and following a regular blogging strategy will work wonders for your wedding photography business growth. And with the added advantage of search engine optimization, you will be able to improve brand awareness and traffic.
At ShootDotEdit, we know how precious time is for wedding photographers and help to lessen your post-production workflow by offering photo editing services. To learn more about how we can help you grow your wedding photography business, check out our pricing plans.
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