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Styles we have matched for photographers just like you.

What is your style? We can learn it. We know how to edit wedding photos. Not sure what your style is? No problem. Whether you already have a style and know exactly what you want or need our expertise in helping you fine tune your vision.

Danny Dong

Jimmy Bui

Kim Payant

Style & Story Creative


What Our Clients Say

“ShootDotEdit worked with me to fine-tune the editing done to my photos. Now, with Style Match, I like SDE’s edits better than my own!”

“ShootDotEdit delivers images that are ready to send to our clients. They are saving us even more time, which means we can spend that time focusing on what matters most to us: our family and new adventures.”

“My images look perfect… perfectly adjusted and perfectly styled. They are exactly what I want to show my client and I didn’t have to spend one minute on them. And that is good because I have so many better things to do with my time.”