Wedding Photography Tips for Professional Photographers
If you’re a professional wedding photographer looking to learn and grow, then you’ve come to the right place. Starting a photography business is not an easy task. At ShootDotEdit, we have the privilege of working with some of the best wedding photographers in the world. They have helped us put together wedding photography tips for beginners and experienced pros alike.
Featured Guides
Wedding Photography Contract Guide
In our Photography Wedding Contract Guide, we go through the entire process that you need to take to create a contract. We also provide wedding photography contract tips to protect you and your business as your grow and book more clients.

Grow Your Business Guide
Our Grow Your Business Guide is a comprehensive walk through how to start a photography business and line up your wedding photography workflow. You’ll learn the A-Z process that dozens of photographers have taken to success. If you’re wondering how to become a wedding photographer, this is the guide for you.

Posing Tips For Wedding Photography
Our most popular guide to date, learn posing tips for wedding photography in our dynamic Posing Guide. You’ll learn how to confidently pose your couples in any situation, and how to work with the bridal party for great results.

Essential Wedding Images You Must Capture
In this guide, we walk you through all of the images you will need to deliver to your clients. Whether you are looking for beach wedding photography tips or outdoor wedding photography tips, this guide will help you deliver everything your client is expecting.

Featured Online Trainings
Each free online photography classes are an in-depth look at a specific topic, hosted by
a successful wedding photographer.
Webinars That Will Help You Succeed
Join Justin and Mary Marantz for an expose on their Top 10 Tips for Wedding Photography Marketing! You’ll walk away with more marketing ideas than you know what to do with.
Melissa Jill shares 20 things you can take off your to-do list right now. Wish you had a “starting a photography business checklist”? Listen in as Melissa shares how to start a wedding photography business the right way.
Join our Lightroom guru Jared Platt as he walks you through a comprehensive training in wedding photography editing tips. You’ll learn his tips to maximize his time in Lightroom.
Zach and Jody Gray share their wedding photography flash tips in this online training. If you’re looking to incorporate off camera flash and improve your lighting, you’ll love this webinar.
Starting a wedding photography business
Building a new wedding photography business isn’t easy. We have assembled a plethora of resources to help you get started, stay focus on what is most important, and to ultimately achieve success.
Best gear
This blog delivers a review of both the best lens for wedding photography and the best camera for wedding photography
Email templates for photographers
Constant energy toward writing the same emails, from scratch, over and over is going to waist your precious time. It’s the precious time you must use to grow and profit your business. That is why we have created email templates for photographers photography. Pre-written, time saving email templates that work.
Wedding photo editing
Simply put, if you are a wedding photography business, we do not recommend you do your own wedding photo edits. It takes you away from the time you need to grow and mature your wedding photography business. Wedding photo editing done by a professional, for you, will empower your success.
Wedding Photography Tips
We don’t slack off on providing tons of photography shooting articles for you to learn from ranging from: Off Camera Flash Photography, Outdoor Night Wedding Photography Tips, and Wedding Reception Photography Tips.
In these articles, you’ll find each and every shooting scenario covered in detail.