
celebrate customer images

It’s the beginning of June, so you know what that means… it’s time to celebrate customer images in The Rave — ShootDotEdit’s monthly customer celebration!

This month, we’re looking back on the 8 most loved photos from our customers featured on the ShootDotEdit Instagram in May. Want to see other months? Here is one of our favorites!

The Rave: Celebrate Customer Images | May 2020

This month we are highlighting Spokane Wedding Photographer Brent Looyenga of Looyenga Photography. Here is what Brent has to say about himself on his website:

“Two words started it all: ‘I’m pregnant.’

Brent would have wanted his first words to be something like “this is so exciting! I can’t wait to capture every moment of our children’s lives! YES!” Instead, his first thoughts were something like “we’re screwed”. Regardless of all that, it was because Brent’s wife, Crystal, was pregnant with their first child that he was able to convince her to let him buy his first decent camera – “Just think of all the amazing baby photos I could get!”

Brent loves capturing life. Not just his children, but his friends and the places he goes. If he never got paid to take pictures, he still would. This is true now, and it was true then.

So Crystal agreed and they dropped $1100 on a “decent” camera and Brent began to take pictures. Pictures of friends and family, of locations and events, and after the purchase – and several posts to facebook – friends began actually requesting photos. Brent never said “i’m going pro!” – instead, he just loves to do a great job no matter what he’s doing. Because of this, in order to upgrade equipment, Brent charged small amounts, putting everything back into the camera. First it was a lens hood here and a flash there – but as weddings started coming in (5 weddings that first year) investment began going to higher-end equipment – lenses and a new camera body. Things took off, in spite of moving to the Spokane Washington area, the team photographed more and more weddings each year to the point it was supporting the child the camera was meant to take pictures of.

Today, Looyenga Photography will photograph a wedding every weekend June through September, often booking about two years in advance. They will travel all over the world capturing the moments people want to remember forever.”

Brent Looyenga

To find out more about Brent and how he shoots, check out his posing and shooting advice in our How I Got The Shot!

And now, May’s most loved and celebrated customer images!!

celebrate customer images

Looyenga Photography

celebrate customer images

Taylor Kemp Photography

Love by Joe Mac

Jimmy Bui Photography

Robb McCormick Photography

Photography by Orlando

Salt & Pine Photo

Ideal Imaging

At ShootDotEdit, we love when we celebrate customer images – we believe it is inspirational! But our main goal is to take the “heavy lifting” of photo editing off your plate — giving you more time to run your business, spend time with your family, or even just have a life again!

Click here to learn more about what ShootDotEdit can do for you!

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