As a wedding photographer, you likely spend much of your time thinking of new ways to advance your photography skills to provide clients with stellar images. Photography is constantly evolving from where it first started, so it is necessary for you to continue to practice and try new techniques for your shoots. In our Lighting and Posing Guide, we share how to properly use lighting and posing to create stunning images. To stay up to date with the latest in photography, and to advance your skills, it can be valuable to study other photographers and gain inspiration from them. Below, we share 10 memorable photographers to ignite your creativity.
1. Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams was an American photographer and environmentalist. He once said, “A good photograph is knowing where to stand.” Throughout his career, he would travel to locations with stunning landscapes, where he would practice taking photos in the correct position. You can learn about how to add landscapes into your photos from him. Not only did he know how to incorporate the landscape, he also knew which camera settings he preferred. He would often take 2 shots of the same scene to ensure he captured the best shot possible.
2. Henri Cartier-Bresson
As a French humanist photographer, Henri Cartier-Bresson was a master of candid photography. He once said the camera became an “extension of his eye.” You can gain inspiration from him on how to identify if your photos will turn out the way you want them from certain angles and distances. You can also learn how to be unobtrusive during your shoots, so you can capture candid moments from your couples.
Although he knew how to process and develop his own film, he never did it by himself. He sent his film to people he trusted, who would develop it for him. This gave him a huge advantage because it would allow him to spend less time in the darkroom, and more time out shooting. This is the same concept for you when you send your images to a wedding photography post processing service.
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3. Robert Capa
Hungarian war photographer and photojournalist, Robert Capa, created a unique brand for himself as a photographer. He knew that if you market yourself as a brand, you make yourself desirable to clients. You can use his methods to create a unique photography brand for your business, where you reach out to potential clients and show them what makes you the perfect wedding photographer for them.
4. Harry Callahan
Harry Callahan was an influential 20th century American photographer. One of his quotes is, “It’s the subject matter that counts. I’m interested in revealing the subject in a new way to intensify it. A photo is able to capture a moment that people can’t always see.” You can use this inspiration to change the way you take photos, and how you want to share the story of your couple and the journey to their wedding day.
5. Josef Koudelka
Czech-French photographer, Josef Koudelka once said, “If I couldn’t shoot lots of photos, I would not be the photographer that I am.” This is a perfect way for you to think about your wedding photography and your skills. Even if you have been shooting for years, there are always ways to improve and stay up to date with the latest in photography. Practice makes perfect, so you should continue shooting as much as possible to stay sharp.
6. Alfred Stieglitz
Alfred Stieglitz was an American photographer and modern art promoter. He had a large role in the development of photography as art. He once said, “My aim is increasingly to make my photographs look so much like photographs that unless one has eyes and sees, they won’t be seen.” Use his work to inspire the way you think about your photography and what you contribute to your couples.
7. James Nachtwey
American photojournalist and war photographer, James Nachtwey, is known for documenting wars and other social conflicts. In regard to photography, he said, “I try to use whatever I know about photography to be of service to the people I’m photographing.” Take this quote and apply this to your wedding photography. Your clients hire you to capture the most important moments from their wedding day. The more you practice, the easier it will be to document the memorable times, and provide clients with stunning photos.
8. Dorothea Lange
Dorothea Lange was an American documentary photographer and photojournalist. She once said, “Seeing is more than a physiological phenomenon… we see not only with our eyes but with all that we are and all that our culture is. The artist is a professional see-er.” You can use her techniques to inspire the way you see and capture photos. Although you have the camera to take the photos, your eyes are what see the moments that need to be captured.
9. Margaret Bourke-White
American documentary photographer, Margaret Bourke-White, paved the way for women photographers by being the first female photographer for Life magazine and the first female war correspondent. Use her as inspiration to take chances with your photography to help advance your images, and make a difference to your couples.
10. George Hurrell
George Hurrell was an American photographer, who is most known for creating glamour portraits. He was a master of portraiture and lighting his subjects. Learn more about his techniques to implement into your photography, so you can properly use light and posing in your images.
These 10 photographers provide you with new ways to think about photography, and implement that into your wedding shoots. What other techniques can you use to perfect your craft? Download our Pro Photographer Lighting and Posing Guide to learn more!
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