The best man, the maid of honor, bridesmaids, groomsmen, the flower girl, the ring bearer, the couple’s parents, and the officiant - these people often constitute the wedding party that walks down the aisle. While the roles might differ, these people are often those who are very close to the couple, be it their friends, siblings, or close family members. Leading up to the wedding day, the couple spent time carefully selecting their wedding party members. They want them to not only walk down the aisle during the wedding ceremony but also have more pictures of them. Making it all the more important to capture memories of this entire group together! Here are a few posing tips that you can give a try to make the session more fun and interesting!
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @jperrymanphotography
When it comes to posing the wedding party, start with simple poses to help make the group comfortable in front of the camera. Place all of the groomsmen next to the groom, and line up the bridesmaids next to the bride. If the groomsmen are wearing boutonnieres, be sure to place the gentlemen on the right side of the frame so that the flowers are showcased. Have the group angle their bodies slightly toward the bride and groom to draw attention to the center of the frame (this also helps you focus on the most important people - the couple). Simple poses like these are perfect to start with and could ensure a great shot right away.
Quick Tip: To turn this traditional pose into something more creative, try shooting the group from different angles. Also, have the members look at one another rather than right at the camera.
Suggested Read: How To Take Wedding Photos
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @narvoldphotography
Every wedding is different, and so is each couple’s vision and budget for their wedding decor details. It is possible that each and every detail, however tiny, which you see out there is meticulously thought about by your couples and their wedding planner. So allocate some time to scout out the location for finding such details or props that are unique to this particular wedding. Did the couple arrive in an old vintage car? You can have your wedding party positioned around the car, posing each member inside and outside of the car for a few creative images. Are the groomsmen wearing colorful socks, or do the girls have stunning heels on? Place the group in a circle or straight line and focus your camera on the ground to get to capture these unique details.
Related Read: 24 Detail Shots To Capture From Every Wedding
Once you are done with the more traditional poses, it is time to mix it up! Try to introduce a sense of fun and spontaneity into the images by including posing them a bit differently! Jumpshots could be a fun addition to your posing list. So can be the creative ideas that the wedding party brings to the table! Some unusual poses that you can give a try include bridesmaids holding the groom and vice versa - this is, of course, if the people feel comfortable. Moreover, you can also ask the group to have fun as you capture those candid moments.
In addition to the aforementioned poses, you could also have each bridesmaid stand next to the groomsmen that she walked down the aisle with. This is a quick way to create a formal photo that showcases the wedding party in a different way, with the bride and groom still in the center. It is important to ensure that after you move each person around, the poses that you desire are still intact. Try to keep each member of the group faced toward the newlyweds, representing the unity the group has during this special moment.
Quick Tip: As you pose the group, remember to look for the little details. Make sure that all of the bridesmaids’ flowers are positioned at the same height, and that the groomsmen’s jackets are all buttoned or unbuttoned.
Suggested Read: Posing Techniques: Bridesmaids & Groomsmen

Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @kellyiswilde
For you to continue posing the wedding party in ways that make each person look their best, add extra depth and dimension to your photos by staggering the group in different positions. During this shot, space is key. Not every photo needs to have the wedding party posed shoulder to shoulder.
If you are in a location with a large open space, take advantage of it. Place some of the people in the foreground and others in the background. Just remember to keep the bride and groom as your main focus. If you are limited on space, find simple props (such as chairs) that can help with staggering. This allows you to have some of the wedding party sit while others stand. Also, this is a great way to overcome posing challenges that can arise with large groups.
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @iqphoto
Once you photograph the wedding party in posed, formal photos, be sure to capture some action shots as well. A simple way to do this is by setting up a shot of the entire wedding party walking together. With a few minimal directions, this can be a quick and easy way to capture natural emotions and expressions from everyone. Line up the people of the group and direct them to slowly walk toward you as they talk and laugh with one another. Be sure to let them know to not only look at the camera in one direction but rather engage with each other. It helps if they all look in different directions.
Quick Tip: Think about the posing instructions you provide to the bride and groom during their portraits. Use the same strategy when you pose a larger group. The more you can explain or show them with the poses, the easier it will be to capture them naturally.
Related Read: Photographing Brides & Grooms In Motion: Inspiration From ShootDotEdit Customers
Spice up the shoot by posing the bride with the groomsmen. Start off with classic poses, where the bride is in the center with groomsmen on each side of her. Once you have captured the basic shots, implement poses that allow the bride and the groomsmen to have fun together. Place the guys in a line and if the bride allows it, have them hold her. Not only would this create candid moments and genuine interaction between them, but the emotions and expressions you capture could be priceless.
Suggested Read: Pro Wedding Photographer Tips: 3 Tricks To Better Groomsmen Poses
After showcasing the bride with the groomsmen, be sure to feature the groom with the bridesmaids. Start by posing the bridesmaids with the groom, where he is in the foreground, and the girls are in the background. Include poses where the groom and the bridesmaids are close together, capturing the happiness of the special day. Before the shoot is over, add in a few fun poses. Have the bridesmaids crowd around the groom and give him a big bear hug. This could prompt everyone to start laughing, thus giving you a great opportunity to capture everyone’s natural expressions.
Suggested Read: Wedding Photography Tips: 3 Tricks To Better Bridesmaid Poses
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @loversoflove
When you take time to focus on the posing during the wedding party portraits, you can nail the shots right away. As a professional photo editing service for photographers, we see plenty of images of the wedding party. We also connect with wedding pros to see what challenges they face most, especially when it comes to shooting groups. Having these 7 simple poses to rely on could not only help you save time and energy but also make your image stand out. Wish to learn more about posing your couples? This article could give you a head start!
Here at ShootDotEdit, we aim to help you grow your wedding photography business by providing professional photo editing services to lessen your post-production workload. So that you get to spend more time working for your business, not in it! To learn more about how we can help you, take a look at our pricing plans!
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