As photographers, there are many roles and responsibilities required of you to keep your photography business running. From booking weddings and ensuring excellent customer service to maintaining your website and social media and responding to emails and calls – it can all get a little overwhelming and the quest for work-life balance may seem never-ending. Bryan, a professional portrait and wedding photographer himself, understood that there was a need for something that made the business side of photography less daunting. Enter Sprout Studio. With the help of this studio management software, that time you have been meaning to take off for a fishing trip or the time you have been wanting to dedicate to learning a new language might finally happen! So if you are wondering what exactly this studio management suite does to make your life easier and save you time, all while helping you make more $$$, read on!
Why Photographers Need Sprout Studio
- It’s a studio management suite made by photographers for photographers. A lot of their support team consists of photographers. Nobody can understand your pain points better than your peers.
- You will save LOTS of time and make more money. The makers say that Sprouters (the users) make double the money than the average photographer and get back 15-20 hours a week. They even have tiered plans, so you can start low, and then your subscription can grow as you grow as a photographer.
- With the studio management suite, you also get a Sprout Assistant, which is almost like having a full-time studio manager that works for you in your studio and doesn’t have to be paid.
- They’ve got templates for everything in their Sprout Template Library. Email marketing templates, contract templates, workflow templates, price list templates – everything.
- They are big on guiding new users and helping them adjust to the new program. They have Concierge, which is a service that photographers can choose to use where the Sprout team will go and move your account from your old system into Sprout Studio, including all your templates, old clients or old shoots, old contracts, old invoices, etc.
- They are a resource for photographers. You can listen to their podcasts or read their blogs on their website.
ShootDotEdit: Let’s start with the beginning of Sprout Studio. Tell us about your origin story.
Bryan: I’ve been a professional wedding and portrait photographer for 15 years here in Niagara, Ontario, Canada. I went to school for computer science, which is actually kind of funny because how did a computer science major end up as a photographer? I was basically working for another photography studio because he was doing gymnastics and basketball and sports photography and as the computer science guy, I was always the go-to for any computer-related things. So he knew my parents and he was like, “Oh, you should get Bryan to have a summer job with me.” So I did and I fell in love with the entrepreneurial thought process. And this is the early days of digital, like 2004 or 2005.
I remember seeing all these potential ideas for what we could do for his business. So he and I actually started a side business that we called Memories In Motion at the time. We basically did this fancy term called “digital memory preservation”, which was like slideshows and DVD menus – just these things that you could do with technology and photography and it was all new at the time. We ended up going our own ways and I held on to Memories In Motion. So I basically owned a photography business, but I didn’t know anything about photography. The next day, I walked into Henry’s, a camera store, and I was like, “Hey, I’m a photographer. What camera should I buy?” So I walked out with my fancy rebel XT and my Sigma 70-200 and the rest is history.
But one of the things that I realized in that whole process was that I always looked at myself as being an entrepreneur first and a photographer second. That’s a perspective that many photographers don’t have because most photographers get into photography because they love photography, and then they quickly realize, “Holy cow, I have got to run a business too.”. And so one of the things that I teach photographers (and I’ve helped photographers through for well over a decade) is that success in photography is 80% business and 20% photography.
So time went by and I was doing the things I love to do as a photographer. I was full-time. I was succeeding. I was also helping and coaching other photographers. This is like eight or nine years ago. Then one day all these things came to a head – a client had emailed me back asking questions about a contract, another client needed an invoice, another client needed a gallery, another client needed something else, and so on. And I got to thinking, “Why are these things not together? It would just make my life so much easier if all these functions were possible to execute from the same place.” So I said to myself, “Hey, I went to school for computer science. I like technology. I like business. I started as an entrepreneur before I was a photographer, and I’m a photographer. If I find the management of things in a business for photographers complicated, no doubt other photographers find it complicated too.” That was when I set out to make what is now Sprout Studio, which is a tool that helps photographers make a living doing what they love and helps with that 80% of work on the business side.
ShootDotEdit: That’s awesome. Seriously, how many solutions come from pain points that we personally experience, right? It’s great to see how you created this whole solution because you yourself felt the burn, and how you took that and tried to make it better for everyone.
Bryan: It’s like you scratch your own itch, right? And that’s where the best solutions come from because it’s not an idea that you can project into a space, rather it’s a space you live through.
ShootDotEdit: That’s right and also so relevant because actually, that’s our origin story too. It just didn’t make sense to spend so much time editing photos. The founders were like, “This is ridiculous. Why am I spending all my time doing this?” So just out of curiosity, are you still photographing?
Bryan: I still photograph very minimally. I suppose 2020 and 2021 were a bit different, but otherwise, I’m still doing a handful of weddings and a couple of dozen portraits a year. Only because I did it for 15 years. I still love it. I still want to know what it’s like to be a photographer. I want to know what it’s like to be there, communicating with clients, having to go through logistics and planning, having to go through contracts and invoices, and all of those things, because it gives me a much greater insight and the context in leading Sprout and building the thing that we continue to build.
ShootDotEdit: That is actually really smart. Like how do you know what features are even relevant today if you’re not actually immersed in the pain points at some point? Excellent market research tactic!
Bryan: There’s a quote that’s often famously attributed to Henry Ford where he says, “If I would have asked people what they wanted, they would’ve said a faster horse.” So there’s an interesting nuance to that. By me being in the weeds, at least in a small way of understanding the climate and the trends, and what’s happening with weddings, what’s happening with portraits, and sort of putting myself in the shoes of our customers, I’m able to innovate and think and envision bigger and relate more to what they’re going through to then help the team create better solutions for them.
It’s one of the differentiations we are really proud of. We are very much a tool and a suite in a culture created by photographers for photographers. A lot of our support team are photographers, we’ve got someone on our marketing team who is a photographer. We know what it’s like to be there, and so I just think it lets us create and help and support and guide customers in a much more relevant way.

ShootDotEdit: That’s a good segue to our next question. What else sets you apart from other client management tools or studio management software? And before you answer that, what do you consider Sprout Studio to be, categorically? What is your actual framework for what you call what you do?
Bryan: It’s really exciting because we kind of invented a new category. So Sprout Studio basically is an all-in-one suite of tools that helps photographers run their business. You can do in Sprout what you can do in a CRM, but you can also do in Sprout what you would do in a booking tool or in an invoicing tool. And you can also do in Sprout what you would do in a gallery tool or a digital fulfillment tool. You can also do in Sprout what you would need a scheduling tool for. And you can also do in Sprout what you would need an email marketing tool for and a bookkeeping tool to do. So there’s a bunch of different systems and tools that we replace and problems we solve all in one place.
Holistically, I believe that photographers don’t need to piece together a hodgepodge of tools that don’t really work together. When you’re using a bunch of individual systems or tools, you have to manage log-ins and emails and things coming from all those different systems. So we try to simplify business by putting everything photographers need in one place so that they can just focus on taking great pictures and serving their clients well. But that makes comparing us to a competitor like comparing apples to oranges. We are a full-featured tool – a suite of tools. We are many tools all in one place, and so our competitors come from all categories. If a photographer wants to pick and choose the tools they use and piece different services together to manage their business then we’re not a good solution for them. But for photographers that just want to create one beautiful system, a simple workflow, where all the business tools they need connect in one place and talk to each other, and where they can give their clients a great experience and keep their clients and themselves more organized AND ultimately save time – that’s the photographer that comes to use Sprout Studio.

ShootDotEdit: That’s awesome. A one-stop shop makes total sense to us.
Bryan: I coach photographers. I teach photographers. I know photographers. They love to get in the weeds and kind of tinker and fiddle around and spend a lot of time doing things that may not move the needle. The thing that I like to encourage photographers to think about is progress vs motion. Motion does not equal progress.
A lot of photographers will waste a lot of time doing things that might feel good for them in the moment because it kind of feels like they’re being busy, but they’re not actually moving anywhere in their business. So I just like to encourage photographers to ask where is it that you, as the photographer, as the creative, as the CEO in your business, are best served? I would say that photographers are best served when they’re photographing and when they’re in front of clients. In my opinion, anything that’s outside of those two things – if the camera’s not in their hand or the client’s not in front of them – they should be trying to find ways to streamline it, to systematize it, to outsource it, to resource it out. That’s where you guys come in with ShootDotEdit, where we come in with Sprout Studio. We can help with the heavy lifting on all the other things that a photographer has to do so the photographer can truly just focus on just being an excellent creative, an excellent photographer, giving their clients a great experience, and being in front of their clients to make connections.
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ShootDotEdit: So how do you convince a new photographer, one who is just so enamored with the idea of being a photographer and taking photos to stop, wait, breathe, and build their business first? Do you have people coming to you who are brand new or do people who generally invest in Sprout have more experience or both?
Bryan: I would say both. If I had to split out a percentage, 70% of our customers are established photographers or are at least pursuing creating an established business. The other 30% are maybe newer photographers that are pursuing it for the first time and really looking to invest in systems. I applaud those that are really new in their career. They just picked up a camera for the first time, six months ago. And they’re like, “Hey, let’s check out this Sprout Studio thing.” Good for you for thinking of systems, for thinking of workflow, for thinking of ways that you can save time. Arguably in those early days, your time is even more valuable because you’ve got to learn how to take a picture. You’ve got to learn how to show up in front of clients. You’ve got to refine your brand and your messaging. You have to network and build connections and build a referral space. And you also have to be reminding clients of invoices that are due and reminding them of dates and sending contracts manually and trying to print these things and track them. So I love when I see photographers that invest in Sprout early and that’s why we actually have tiered plans. We have a $17 a month plan – really affordable. And it’s built for those newer photographers to come in and just get something started and then Sprout can grow with them as they grow as a photographer.
I would say that my biggest piece of advice to photographers is, early on in your career and in your journey as a photographer, yes, it’s important to focus on honing those things that you do. And it’s important to focus on being a great photographer, learn the skills, understand shutter speed and ISO and aperture and flash and off-camera flash and techniques and posing and moments and composition. We know you have got to do all that stuff. But at some point, once you realize, “Hey, you know what, I think I want to make some element of a career out of photography, whether it be part-time or full-time,” that’s when a photographer needs to really start thinking about that entrepreneur side.
If you’ve got this pie that is being a professional photographer, then 80% of that pie is business – the marketing and figuring out pricing and collections and presenting and sales and everything else that comes with it. So at some point, that conversation needs to happen. But usually, I recommend that happening once a photographer is comfortable with the creative side of what they do.

ShootDotEdit: We feel that one of the things that differentiate you also is this idea that you do have plans that suit all levels of pros. So wherever they are in their journey, you’ve got something that can help and grow with them. But outside of that and the fact that you offer so much in one place, are there other specific things that you can think of that set you apart from the rest?
Bryan: We have this tool called Sprout Assistant and it’s almost like this layer that lives on top of your entire Sprout Studio account. It’s like having a full-time studio manager that works for you in your studio that you don’t have to pay. And the role of that person is just to make sure that nothing slips through the cracks. So you can have automated reminders for invoices and questionnaires that haven’t been filled out. Or if you send a proposal and the client hasn’t opened it, you can follow up automatically. If you’ve got session dates or meetings or appointments, you can have reminders that go out. You can have follow-ups that go out. If you’ve sent a gallery and they haven’t opened the gallery, you can follow up and remind them if they’ve tried to purchase something, but never actually checked out, you can have an abandoned cart reminder. We have 30 or 40 different automated emails in just Sprout Assistant alone – you just have to check them and boom they’re on. It just keeps all the gears going and you don’t have to touch it. Because we do all these things, we can then interface this entirely new system for photographers to help them run a more fluid, more organized, and more well-rounded machine and their business. So it’s tools like that that become incredibly helpful.
Adding on to that are tools like email marketing, which we launched last year during the pandemic. We basically said, “Hey, photographers already have their clients, their shoots, their galleries, their orders, their invoices, their leads, they already have them in Sprout. How can we help photographers during this pandemic where they need to be talking to clients en masse just to keep them updated? But also how can we introduce some opportunities for photographers to make more money to say, “Hey, we’re going to run a print sale or we’re going to run an album sale or we’re going to run a promotion for the fall.” So we built email marketing into Sprout. So now not only can a photographer do all the nuances of managing their clients, but now they can say, “Hey, I want to send this email campaign, this drip campaign to all of my wedding clients that booked between this date, of this status, that have clients in this country, etc.” They can get very nuanced and send specific messages to specific people from a marketing standpoint. I feel like I’m kind of repeating myself, but it’s this notion of having everything together. It just gives us an amazing ability to build tools that are so much more useful and functional for photographers because everything is there in one place.
ShootDotEdit: Email marketing is great too, especially in the pandemic, it was a great way for people to stay in touch and make money in a space when it was a lot harder.
Bryan: The interesting thing is that because I’m an educator in the photography industry, and because I’ve been there for 15 years when we went to launch it, not only did we want to say, “Hey, we just built a new tool for you. We built email marketing, press this button, and you can use it.” We also wrote 30 or 40 email marketing campaigns that they could just copy into their account with the click of a button and send to their client. We had photographers making tens of thousands of dollars by just copying the emails that we wrote for them, pressing a button, and sending it to their clients, and boom, they were making money! It’s called the Sprout Template Library, where we’ve written every kind of email you can imagine needing to send to your clients.
We’ve also made every kind of questionnaire you can think of asking your clients for. We’ve got contract templates. We have workflow templates. So not only do we give you the tools, but we give you the actual strategies and tactics. So that we’re kind of, in a way, giving you a photography business in a box because we know that it can be intimidating to say to a photographer, “Hey, welcome to Sprout Studio. You have to dedicate 10 hours to go and write some email templates.” Their response is often, “I don’t got no 10 hours.” It’s not going to happen. So we kind of do that heavy-lifting for them so that they can come in and get started in the right direction.
ShootDotEdit: That’s fantastic. Say somebody wants to move over from a different CMS or just brand new out of the box, do you help them establish or set up their account? Or is it like a photographer jumps in and has to do a lot of the background work first.
Bryan: I would say it’s both. To be honest, we’ve paid a ton of attention to onboarding. So when a photographer comes in, there’s a very specific set of steps that we guide them through. We greet them at the door. We hold their hand. We walk them through everything. So we get them going in the right direction at the very beginning. We have users that tell us all the time that after five days of using Sprout Studio, they feel more integrated than five years with some of the other systems they’re moving over from. So we really pay a lot of attention to teaching them, guiding them, helping them get in, and getting familiar with the system.
We also have a Concierge program, which is a service that photographers can choose to use where we’ll actually go and move their account from their old system into ours, including all their templates, all their old clients or old shoots, old contracts, old invoices. So in a matter of days, they could have everything moved over from their old system and have it all consolidated now in one place.
ShootDotEdit: That’s amazing. The next question is a no-brainer, but still, do you consider yourself a time-saver for photographers?
Bryan: That’s probably one of our biggest benefits. When we try to quantify the value that we can deliver to photographers. I’m always challenging the team or we’re always challenging ourselves, both on the product side, but also on the communication side, on the templates, on the marketing side, we want to justify ourselves. We want to say, “Here’s why you need to spend money on Sprout.” And when we talk to photographers that use Sprout, they often say that the greatest way that we help them is by helping them save time. We also can, in a large way, help photographers make money with our abandoned cart email or with the experience that they can create for their clients through our booking proposal – it’s really beautiful and elegant and it really helps a photographer show off in a really wonderful way. So we do help photographers make money as well. But I’d argue the biggest benefit that we have is that we help photographers save time.
ShootDotEdit: And who doesn’t want more time, right?
Bryan: Time management and productivity. That’s one of my favorite topics to teach. And in fact, we’re actually working on content right now to help photographers really master their time and get control of their time. But we also know that photographers that come in and use Sprout are saving 15-20 hours a week easily. So we go through that process and we even talk to photographers at different points in their journey of using Sprout. And they’re like, “I don’t know what I would do without Sprout now.” Or a lot of photographers are like, “I don’t know why I waited so long to switch.” Because they see the benefit once they get in, get integrated, get familiar, and start using it.

ShootDotEdit: Is there a feature that you wish potential clients or people who already use Sprout knew and used? Or something that you wish people did more of with Sprout?
Bryan: I think one of the things that’s often underappreciated in a system like Sprout is what we call our dashboards. Our dashboard is the first thing that you see when you log into your Sprout account and at the onset, it feels like, “Oh yeah, cool. It’s like the place I land, that’s my homepage. Cool. I’ll move away and go find the things I need to do.” But what’s really powerful about a dashboard is it gives you a glance at what’s happening for the next seven days in your business. And because everything including your clients, your invoices, your emails, your contracts, bookings, your gallery, and your designs are run through Sprout, that dashboard is infinitely powerful because it literally says, “Hey, here’s everything happening in your business today and in the next seven days.” So you can see the meetings, you have the emails that will go out to clients that are running late, the things that are happening, the things that have been approved, the galleries that are expired, and you can see all of those things in one place. So it’s super beneficial to carve out 20 minutes of your morning, every morning, hop into your Sprout dashboard, look at the dashboard and be like, “Cool – there’s my day. That’s my week. I’m good to go.”
Our dashboard – and Sprout in general – helps prevent photographers from having to put out fires all the time because they actually have control over things. For a photographer that’s used to putting out fires all the time, all of a sudden they’re like, “Oh, I can finish work at 2 o’clock today and not feel guilty about it.” That’s unfamiliar. We don’t give ourselves the permission and the grace to do that, but with Sprout, that’s possible. And by having a dashboard, it’s like having a full-time assistant. You get it all right there in front of you. So that’s a really, in my opinion, underutilized tool or underutilized thing that we just don’t talk about. But it’s something that photographers should lean into because that can be sort of the key to unlocking a lot of freedom.
ShootDotEdit: That does sound like an important feature, and it’s just so great to have an overview that, really helps with the planning. So what about other vendors – who do you love that you feel like does not do what you do, but has the same reasons for doing what you do? Are there others that you integrate well with, that you really like love, that you think photographers should check out?
Bryan: Well, there’s this editing company called ShootDotEdit that helps with post-production I’m kidding. But not really. Because we have a long relationship with ShootDotEdit back to the early days. We collaborated so well and we’ve always had a great relationship with you, and we love you guys for that reason and we love many others like that for similar reasons. We love companies that come together or companies that exist to help make an impact in the lives of photographers. Photographers are our passion. They’re the people that we love. I’ve lived in that space for so long, and now we serve that space. We just love on those people so well and so beautifully.
Guys like Fundy and their software and their album-building tool are incredible. They just exist and they keep pushing the envelope and keep moving forward to try and help photographers succeed. I’d argue similarly for Smart Albums, Daniel, and the folks over there at Pixellu. They exist with some really great tools to help photographers. Spencer at his company MagMod – I know that’s more on the actual gear side, but they’re pushing the envelope with their lighting modifiers and trying to help photographers just do better and make better images. I love Profoto. I love companies that just exist to push the envelope for photographers and that show up and in full service to help photographers.
They’re all people who care, right? That’s the difference. I’ve been approached by many venture capitalists and investors and things like that to really, really pour into Sprout, to have it become something much bigger. I’ve almost every time declined only because I know what can happen to a company as soon as there’s someone that doesn’t have their feet on the ground with their customers, driving it for the right reasons. I don’t want Sprout to be something where the direction of the company is decided by a board of directors that has no care or no hope or wonder or passion for the industry. So by keeping my feet on the ground floor, by just loving well on photographers, and then also partnering with other companies that feel the same way and have similar beliefs and helping push the industry forward – sure, we’re not going to become a hundred million dollar machine that we could be otherwise, but we can make a really big impact. And that’s more important for me.
ShootDotEdit: We love that. That’s a really nice thought process, and funnily enough, all of those people are on our list of companies we love, too. Is there a new product or service that you are currently working on? Can you share something about it?
Bryan: We’re actually working on Sprout Studio Version 3. So the team has actually been working on it for about 10 months now. And it started as a project that some photographers listening or watching or reading might be familiar with, which is called Lab Integration, which is basically the ability for a photographer to put their images in their gallery, then when the client orders it, those images can automatically be sent to a lab and then shipped to the client. So the photographer is kind of removed from that process. Currently, the photographer must be involved in the process. When the client orders a print, the photographer can process it and order it from whatever lab they want, but it’s not automated. So it started back in the fall of 2020 that we started to build Lab Integration. So we can automate that and help on that workflow side of things for photographers.
It’s a complete revamp of the entire tool in the sense that we’re trying to build better tools to help photographers make more sales. So we’re building more tools on the front end of the gallery or the front end of a shop or the front end of the store that a photographer uses for their clients. These new tools will really help their clients visualize their photos in the space that they’re going to end up in – their home – via print. If it’s a desk print or a wall print, or if it’s a canvas or if it’s framed or whatever the case is, we’re really innovating and we’ve built some brand new technology from the ground up that lets photographers show off their work in a way that’s never been seen before.
We are building those kinds of tools on the front end, because again, not only are we trying to think about impact, not only do we want to automate that and help photographers save time with the Lab Integration part, but what if we could also help photographers make more money in doing that? That’s the dream, right? I mean, getting our pictures off of a hard drive and onto the walls of our clients is always something I believed in as a photographer. I’ve always been a print-based photographer and that’s something that I know a lot of photographers just find to be challenging. So we’re trying to figure out where the specific challenges are that keep a photographer from going to a print-based model and ask how can we help them solve those. So we’re solving that with a good suite of tools with Version 3.

ShootDotEdit: Wow! That sounds promising. We can’t wait to see that in action! Now that we know so much about you guys, and we kind of already know the answer to this question too, but what is the ‘why’ behind what you do?
Bryan: Our why couldn’t be clearer. We want to help photographers make a living doing what they love, to succeed in the pursuit of entrepreneurship. I’ve been there. I’ve been in the weeds. I’ve run my photography business. And the story that I often tell is that I found my own definition of success as a wedding and portrait photographer. I was full-time. My wife and I, we paid off our mortgage, we vacationed when we wanted, we owned our vehicles. She’s been a stay-at-home mom with our three kids for eight years now. All of that because of the money that I made with my camera. So I saw the wonderful results that we can have from entrepreneurship. I know what it’s like to make a living doing what I love and not having to burn the candle at both ends and find that financial and otherwise success.
Yet at the same time, I see so many photographers who struggle and they struggle not because they’re not great photographers. They struggle because they just can’t find traction on the business side of what they do, on the sales and the marketing and the pricing and the customer experience and the nuances of just all the things that we have to do in the organization and time management of running a photography business. So that’s where I thought I could make a bigger impact – that is in helping other photographers do the thing that I loved to do and that I found success in doing. I want to help more photographers do that. So that’s why we exist. Everything we do – every feature, every bit of content, every social media post – everything that we do filters through that lens.
If you were to stop any team in the hallway at our office and be like, “Why are we here today?” They’d answer, “We are here to help photographers make a living doing what they love.” That’s what we live and breathe by. And every decision we make goes through that. So that’s our why. It has been our why since day one and continues to be our why today.
ShootDotEdit: Do you have anything else that you feel like you want to share or something you want to add about Sprout?
Bryan: I would just say that we want to be a resource for photographers. We have a podcast with 500 + episodes and we get 50,000-60,000 downloads a month on that podcast. And it’s not a promotion for Sprout. It’s called the Business of Photography Podcast, and it exists to help photographers make a living doing what they love, to help on the business side. So not only do we have that, but we’ve got books and guides and blog posts and resources and courses.
We have a very genuine intent with it. It doesn’t exist to be a commercial for Sprout Studio. It exists to level up the industry. And we were one of the first and still probably the largest podcast for photographers on the business side. I’ve had so many conversations and interviewed the best of the best in our industry and the best of the best outside of our industry. I’ve brought on the top authors in the business space, just talking about business concepts and then trying to get them to relate that to photography. It’s just been such a cool thing because when we look outside of our own echo chamber of photography, there’s so much that can be learned as long as we have the discernment to be able to apply it to photography. So that’s kind of always been our approach to it.
So if a photographer, listening, watching, reading this today is not quite there and ready to invest into a tool like Sprout Studio, we’d still love to have you as a part of the community. We’d love to have you as a part of our ecosystem, read our books, learn from us. We’d love to help you in some capacity. And when you’re ready to use Sprout, we’re here and ready for you.
Related Read: Rangefinder Is Not Just A Resource For Photographers, It’s A Community Too: Jacqueline Tobin, Editor-In-Chief

ShootDotEdit: And for our last question, what would you want a viewer or reader to walk away with from this interview?
Bryan: I would say choose wisely where, how, and when you spend your time and your business and that’s true both in investing in a system and getting into a system like Sprout because I’m not going to pretend that investing in Sprout and then getting in and onboarding and using Sprout is going to happen with the snap of a finger. Like any system, it is going to take work and it’s going to be new.
I often tell photographers to think about the first time they opened Photoshop. You’re like, “What are all these things? What are all these buttons, what are all these tools? What’s a layer? ” But again, think about how familiar you are now with Photoshop. You can probably operate Photoshop with your eyes closed. But it didn’t happen overnight. It was a learning process. The same is true for Sprout. So just choose wisely where you spend your time, choose where you invest your energy and your money. And that’s a good lesson really, for anything.
Further Read: Showit: Simplifying Website Building For Photographers & Creatives
Like we said before, Sprout Studio really can do it all for you. For our Vendor Spotlight interviews, we handpick brands and companies that really have a genuine desire to help photographers succeed, through education, innovation, technology, and support. Sprout Studio was an obvious choice, and after speaking to Bryan, we know we made the right selection. It’s truly inspiring to see a company that strives to ensure that photographers thrive without having to compromise on their creativity or business.
Bryan, thank you so much for taking us through the ins and outs of Sprout Studio. We were immensely impressed with how hard you are working to make sure that photographers can make a living doing what they love and save time as well. If you want to learn more about the studio management suite, you can check out their website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
At ShootDotEdit, we love introducing you to businesses that help make your life easier! We are ALSO passionate about making your life easier with our professional photo editing services. So, if you are looking to lessen your post-production workload, you can trust us to take that off your plate so you can focus instead on doing what you love! To learn more about how we can help your wedding photography business, check out our pricing plans.
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