Instagram is one of the most popular social media channels for promoting and advertising businesses, especially wedding photography business. You're in luck because we've some powerful Instagram strategies for wedding photographers that work wonders for promoting and advertising your business on the platform. With the evolution of technology, gone are the days of physically distributing business cards and waiting for the phone to ring, hoping it's a potential client. But now, social media is where the magic happens! It’s the place to connect with wedding industry vendors, book weddings, and catapult your wedding photography business. From Facebook business pages to Pinterest boards, social media has been a godsend for countless businesses. But guess what? Instagram has officially taken the crown as the go-to social media platform for businesses. This blog is packed with interesting social media marketing techniques for wedding photographers and how to get your photography noticed on Instagram. So, let's dive in!
Powerful Instagram Strategies For Wedding Photographers
1. Use Innovative Captions
Ready to showcase your stunning wedding photography on Instagram? The first important step is choosing the perfect words to describe your pictures. Give your followers a peek behind the curtain as to what you do and what you are trying to show through your post. Weddings come with all kinds of stories, and a visual representation of it is the icing on the cake! If there is a story attached to your wedding photo, try to write a creative caption! Interesting stories keep your followers glued, wanting to see and hear more. Another great way for you to write an engaging caption is by sharing the story behind your photography technique or simply writing about what is in the picture! But don’t forget to keep your captions apt and concise.
Our tip: The best way for you to make your wedding post on Instagram reach a larger audience is by ending your posts with a call to action (CTA). You can request them to read a new or old blog that you wrote. Moreover, you can ask them a question and tell them to share their views in the comment section.
Related Read: 100 Instagram Captions For Wedding Photographers
2. Make Good Use Of Hashtags
Always remember the power of hashtags! Using relevant wedding photography hashtags in your Instagram posts is another crucial and popular social media marketing strategy. Hashtags are highly effective and help your brand get discovered; they also increase engagement and attract followers to your page! Try to do some research on trending hashtags related to wedding photography, and use only the popular ones for better reach. The usage of hashtags has become extremely important and trendy, considering that users follow specific Instagram hashtags to search for someone or something. Hashme is one of several apps used to find trending hashtags that connect with your posts. The following are the best hashtags for wedding photographers to use in 2022:
- #weddingphotography
- #weddingphotographer
- #photo
- #coupleportrait
- #family
- #weddingcake
- #weddingdress
- #weddingrings
- #weddingceremony
- #weddingplanning
- #weddingidea
- #landscape
- #weddingstyle
- #seasonalwedding
- #bride
- #groom
- #bridesmaids
- #groomsmen
- #weddingveils
- #bridalbouquet
Our tip: Your hashtags can also include the location of your client’s wedding. Consider including your brand, business name, and even the kind of photography equipment you use for shooting.
3. Time Your Posts
To ensure that the Instagram algorithm recognizes and displays your wedding posts as popular, you need to post them at a certain time and day when the majority of your target audience is the most active and able to interact. As a wedding photographer, you have a busy schedule with six wedding bookings in a month! Then, how do you take out time to manage your business social media accounts? You can include Instagram strategies for wedding photographers in your marketing plan, such as scheduling your Instagram posts ahead of time and organizing and planning their content. Third-party online applications that can help you with this task are Canva and Planoly. You can plan and schedule your posts, manage your various accounts, and organize your content with these applications that seamlessly do the work for you.
Related Read: 9 Instagram Post Ideas From Top Wedding Photographers
4. Geotag Posts And Stories
A useful in-built feature in Instagram is geotagging. When you post Instagram Stories of a wedding you covered, make sure to add the location, especially when shooting at an eye-catching wedding venue! With the help of geotagging, you can pop up on the wedding venue stories. This will allow potential clients, who are planning to get married to stumble upon your unique and fascinating Instagram Stories. Go the extra mile and mention vendors in your wedding photo shoot stories and add hashtags of the venue or city! These Instagram strategies for wedding photographers can help you reach out to a wider pool of audience and increase video views tenfold!
Our tip: Contact the wedding venue and request them to share the popular hashtags that they usually use. This will help you in starting a vendor relationship and increase the chances of future brides finding you and your business!
5. Interact With Your Followers
When it comes to social media marketing on Instagram, you know that sharing stunning images and content from your previous works is a must-do. But engaging with your audience is also a key ingredient for success. Make sure to reply to all queries posted by your potential clients in the comment section of your posts. Moreover, engage with them in the comment section or request them to get in touch with you on Instagram's Direct Messages. To make things fun and interesting, engage with your audience via quizzes or polls using Instagram Stories! Engaging with your followers helps you build a personal connection. This will allow your brand to get more visibility and get recommended to a larger audience.
Our tip: Use Instagram for a live Q&A session! These Instagram strategies for wedding photographers help create long-lasting, professional relationships with clients!
Suggested Read: Introduction Instagram For Wedding Photographers
6. Use Instagram Polls
Looking for a fun and innovative way to grab the attention of your followers and find out their requirements? Well, making use of polls on Instagram Stories is one of several wedding photography Instagram strategies that can help you with that. For a wedding photographer and business owner, it is a valuable in-built feature that can help with various aspects, ranging from brand awareness and wedding photography marketing to understanding your clientele and generating excitement. The following are the three primary types of polls on Instagram that you can use in your stories:
Poll Sticker: Share a picture of a wedding photography style you experimented with and ask your followers whether they ‘Like It’ or ‘Love It’.
Question Poll: Ask your followers questions about what they want to see more from your brand or any other wedding-related questions. This is a creative way of also engaging with your followers and learning about what they’re thinking about or looking for.
- Emoji Stick Poll: Instead of offering options, add a question and an emoji so that your followers can rank their choice. In this kind of poll, a slider will appear that sets a viewer's response. It also helps in calculating the average response.
7. Build An Instagram Sales Funnel
A marketing funnel is a series of stages that maps the journey of a potential client who has zero knowledge about your wedding photography brand to booking you for their big day. Instagram can also perform the role of bringing you to the attention of potential clients and making them aware of your brand. A few Instagram strategies for wedding photographers to get recognized can be by adding a call to action (CTA) in your Instagram bio with a link to something valuable, such as your website or online blog page, for which they submit their email address. Run Instagram Ads and add a "Know more" or "Learn more" button, allowing clients to tap on it so that they get redirected to your business accounts. Later, you may have further contact with them via email or even phone calls.
Further Read: How To Build A Sales Funnel: A Guide For Wedding Photographers
Implementing these Instagram strategies for wedding photographers is both attainable and simple to execute. Instagram for wedding photographers has become a complete game changer. With its various in-built features like polls and geotagging, social media marketing has proved to be a seamless process on this platform. Instagram is a brilliant online application for your brand to get recognized, measure where you stand in the market, and learn about the wedding photography market.
At ShootDotEdit, we are passionate about helping you hone your craft! And we help with that by taking editing off your plate with our professional photo editing services, giving you more time to learn new skills. To learn more about how we can help your wedding photography business, check out our pricing plans.
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