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Proposals are a special time for couples as they come together to celebrate a new phase in their relationship. Also, they are a great opportunity for them to show the world that they are for real, which is what you can help them with! Even though couples love showing off the proposal (and the ring) on social media, proposals are an incredibly intimate and personal experience for couples. And it’s also a memory that will forever be etched in their memories. Which is why proposal photos are important! If you’re a wedding photographer and you are not promoting and marketing your proposal photo shoots, you are missing out on some extra cash and more potential wedding clients too. But if our little monologue has got you thinking where or even how to market proposal photos, then this blog, aka a list of genius photography marketing plans, can help with that.

Why Should You Invest In Marketing Proposals?

a man proposing to her would be wife on a snow covered cliffsideImage Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @parkergreyphoto

The best way to keep your wedding photography business going and growing is by constantly evolving with the wedding photography industry. Thus, it is important to offer people what they are looking for. Secret proposals with the photographer hiding behind the bushes or a rock are fairly popular, and more couples do look for professionals to help them capture that moment flawlessly. The fact that you already shoot proposals means half the work is already done. 

Marketing your proposal photo shoots is how you will attract more proposal clients, who might also end up booking you as their engagement and wedding photographer. If this isn’t reason enough for you to start learning how to market proposal photos, then maybe the tips we’ve listed below will help you understand how simple it really is and motivate you to start now.

How To Market Proposal Photos

1. Use Various Social Media Platforms

With the development of technology over the years, social media has become an integral part of almost every person’s life. Not only is it used as a base for communication, but you can also use it to spread the word about your wedding photography business! For starters, you could display your creative wedding proposal photos and attract potential clients using social media. After researching what social media platform your ideal clients are using, choosing the right content, and using trending hashtags, your social media could also become a part of the tools that make your business profitable.

  • How To Market Proposal Photos On Instagram: You can use your client’s proposal photos (after getting their permission) to make IG stories, and save them on your Instagram highlights and label it as “Proposals”. This is a great in-built feature for clients to tap on and view your various proposal photo shoots! You can also make Instagram Reels on proposals and upload them on your feed. Besides these, you could also share proposal photos as static posts on your IG grid and write about what went behind taking that shot.

  • How To Market Proposal Photos On Facebook: You can cross-promote your Instagram posts and videos on Facebook. If you blog about proposals, consider sharing them through Facebook. You can also upload various albums and showcase your different proposal photography styles and ideas. 

  • How To Market Proposal Photos On Pinterest: Pinterest is a great platform where you don’t have to worry about writing lengthy descriptions. You will just need your striking proposal photos and catchy titles to attract clients to your Pinterest board/account!

Suggested Read: How To Use Instagram Video For Wedding Photographers

2. Write Engaging Blogs

infographic stating create content that your ideal clients can relate to

“Content is king” is a famous statement by Bill Gates, and that still stands true. And if you want more people to know about you and your services, consider writing blogs and uploading them on your website. And don’t just end it there. Share them through your social media accounts! The key to being a great blogger is to decide who your target audience is and consistently publish content that is helpful and relatable for them. You will also need to work hard on SEO and rank high with relevant keywords for your website/blogging page to appear on Google’s first page. Using proposal photos that highlight the difference between a pro and an amateur photographer, you can also use your blogs to explain why hiring a professional photographer for a proposal is the right move. Other blog ideas to get you found can be “Top 10 Surprise Proposal Ideas”, “Perfect Proposals”, and “Best Ways To Propose”. 

3. Create Proposal Packages

Before you start promoting and marketing your proposal photos, make sure to plan proposal packages beforehand. In your packages, you can inform clients about what they can expect from you as their professional photographer. Your proposal packages should inform couples about what is included and how you’re going to make their proposal photo shoot unique and memorable for them to also book you for their wedding. We’d suggest that you sit down and list out all the things that you need to do to photograph a proposal and price your packages accordingly. This simplifies the process of your clients understanding what you are charging them for.

Related Read: How To Market And Sell Your Pre-Wedding Photo Shoot Packages

4. Partner With Jewelers

infographic stating build relationships with other vendors to get more referrals

Maintaining good relationships with vendors within your industry is always great for business. This is when offline and online promotions come in handy. Every time a jeweler sells an engagement ring, have them pass on your business card with a reasonable discount on a proposal photo shoot with you! You can also request vendors to promote your business on their social media platforms, and even though the couple came in with the objective of buying a ring, they’ve found you in the bargain! Vendor relationships are a two-way street, so always think about how you could also offer them something in return. 

5. Market Your Business on Google

If you’ve ever searched “how to market proposal photos on Google”, then perhaps you could also consider using Google Business Pages. Get listed on Google and turn people who find you on Google search and Maps into new clients! All you need to do is create a business profile. Getting listed on Google Business Pages could help improve the chances of potential clients finding you when they Google the term “wedding photographer”. For example – if a client uses a location as one of their keywords, like “New Hampshire Photographer”, Google will put your profile listings if you are listed with Google Business Pages. These business listings are free but might need you to have a physical location for your photography business. 

Further Read: Nail Proposal Photography With These 7 Amazing Tips

We hope the above tips have given you some ideas on how to promote proposal photos. Whether it’s regularly publishing on social media or upgrading your packages to even more attractive ones – the key to successfully marketing your proposal photos is consistency. Select your best proposal photos and come up with a plan for how to get them to your target audience. Add them to blogs or IG Stories or Reels or simply share them on your IG grid, just make sure those photos are visible to the right people. By combining all these photography marketing ideas together with a 5-star portfolio and an awesome reputation, prospective clients will naturally be attracted to your brand. 

At ShootDotEdit, we are passionate about helping you hone your craft! And we help with that by taking editing off your plate with our professional photo editing services, giving you more time to learn new skills. To learn more about how we can help your wedding photography business, check out our pricing plans.

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