

Did you know that as a company that provides image editing services for photographers, ShootDotEdit has over 100 different color profiles? With so many different options to choose from, the ability to satisfy everyone is there. Our goal is to help you make the best selection as easy as possible. The tool that ShootDotEdit developed for this is the DotPreview.

We think of DotPreviews as free insurance for your job. We select 10 images from your event that display different lighting conditions and color correct them according to your chosen color profile. This will give you a great overview of how the entire job will look, and it is your guarantee that you will like the way your images are edited.

DotPreviews are automatically applied to the first few jobs you submit when you begin working with ShootDotEdit. It is a great way to get to know how the color profiles will look on different skin tones and lighting styles, and it’s completely FREE! If it doesn’t look exactly how you want it for the first time, you can request another DotPreview. Our experienced Color Consultants are also available to connect with you to help in finding the right profile for your job. You can go back and forth with the Color Consultants as many times as it takes to get it right.

Related: A Comprehensive Guide to ShootDotEdit’s Photo Editing Services – check it out here!

It can take a few jobs to figure out the best color profile that matches your style – that is why we require DotPreviews for the first two jobs. After that initial period, you are welcome to request a DotPreview for any job, though if you are comfortable with how to select a color profile, you can continue with the submission process without a DotPreview. We recommend choosing DotPreviews for events with unusual lighting situations or with mixed skin tones. Any time you have an event that is outside your normal shooting environment, the DotPreviews are available to make sure the color correction still matches your vision.

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The best part about DotPreviews? They are returned to you in one business day or less. “Fast is Best” applies to everything we do. Our only recommendation is that you view the returned DotPreview on the color-calibrated monitor that you edit on. We know it is tempting to open the link on your phone or tablet, but viewing it on your primary workstation is best!

Remember, if you are happy with your DotPreview, you will be happy with your job, so use them to your advantage! Your happiness with the color correction we provide is our main priority, and DotPreviews help guarantee that our editing matches your style!

If you would like more information about how to integrate ShootDotEdit into your workflow, please access our Free Guide below!


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