Couples often look for reviews about your wedding photography business from other couples who have worked with you or their trusted vendors. And if you have been in the wedding photography industry a long time, you must already know that reviews, testimonials, and referrals from previous clients are gold when trying to attract new couples and book more weddings. But once you have impressed your couple, photographed their wedding, delivered the final prints, and gotten a fantastic, 5-star review – what’s next? How do you ensure that the review not only boosts your confidence but also gets you more clients? One of the most powerful strategies you could use for your business, in this blog, we offer you some ways of how you can successfully leverage reviews from couples to book more weddings.
5 Ways to Leverage Reviews From Couples
1. Include Reviews On Your Website

Using reviews and testimonials from couples on your wedding photography website is an age-old yet effective tactic. But where you place the review also has a lot to do with how effective it will be. The smartest way to leverage reviews from couples is to place it right, i.e., place them in locations where you know clients will definitely visit. For example, your homepage is where most of your clients land first, making it an area you should consider to place your reviews and testimonials. The purpose of your website is to familiarize your couples with your work and who you are, so the homepage of your website is the perfect place to reveal why other clients have chosen to work with you. For this area, select reviews that don’t just talk about the quality of your work but also who you are as a professional wedding photographer. Let people get to know you as a person through these reviews.
Suggested read: Creating a Powerful Photography Website
2. Add Reviews to Your Portfolio
Even though they might have checked your website and social media before getting in touch with you, your portfolio is one of the first things your clients want to see in the beginning stages of your relationship. You might even familiarize them with your portfolio during the first wedding photography consultation session. Consider adding a couple of them alongside stunning images in your portfolio to really leverage reviews from couples. Your photographs should still be the main focus of your portfolio, so don’t overdo it. For your portfolio, choose reviews where clients discuss how they loved your work and how you helped bring their vision to life. If there are any particular images you want your potential clients to focus on, consider adding a review specific to that image along with it.
3. Use Your Social Media
Using social media is another excellent way to leverage reviews from couples. Since Instagram is all about aesthetics and photographs, you don’t necessarily have to include the whole quote. Pick a part of the quote that your audience might connect with and turn it into a beautiful graphic. So, when couples are scrolling through your page, they get to see a review in an image format. However, don’t stop posting photographs. Your Instagram feed plays an essential role in attracting new clients, so when it comes to posting reviews, try to limit it to one-two per week. Moreover, these days, many couples reach out to wedding photographers through their social media handles. Therefore, posting reviews there also means that there are more chances of those reviews being seen.
4. Don’t Forget About the Pricing Guide

If you are thinking about leveraging reviews from clients by including them on your pricing guide, then pick quotes that especially mention an appreciation for the way you price wedding photography packages. Whether your pricing guide is on your website or not, the inclusion of an appropriate testimonial alongside your prices can convince clients that your services are a worthwhile investment. Many couples often have questions and doubts once they get to the discussion about wedding photography prices, and if your couple might be second-guessing their choice, reviews related to your prices might convince them otherwise. These reviews will essentially help them to realize that they will be getting their money’s worth by investing in you.
5. Reviews & Newsletters

If your wedding photography business strategies include weekly or monthly newsletters to potential and previous clients, then besides the regular updates, you could also use these newsletters to leverage reviews from couples. Depending on what template you use, you could use these reviews as a graphic or simply add it somewhere in a creative font. Just try to make sure it’s in a place where your readers will look. These reviews could be related to your style of photography, your price plans or just even you as a photographer. A variety of topics would be great too. So, if you are updating your readers about a recent wedding you photographed or how you saved the day for your couple, try to keep the reviews about how you did those things next to the photography.
Leverage Reviews From Your Couples Organically

While taking advantage of reviews from your couples is a great way to boost business and book more weddings, sometimes, some couples may find that you are trying too hard. It might seem forced, or it may look fake to some as well. So, the key is to create balance even as you leverage those glowing reviews for your business. Ideally, instead of just using text, you should try to design and make graphics out of the reviews. This way, they stand out and catch your audience’s attention. Another key to leveraging reviews from couples – whether on the internet or through physical documents – is to make sure you place them in the right places. Without the right placement, your couple might just completely miss it. The hard part, which is getting the review, is done. So, all you have to do is smartly strategize where and how to use these reviews to your benefit.
Further read: How To Ask Your Clients For Reviews
At ShootDotEdit, we believe that reaping the benefit of a great review is just as important as getting that great review. And we hope this blog helps you leverage reviews from customers in the future. Besides this, we also help to lessen your workload by handling your editing work for you. To learn more about how we can help your wedding photography business, check out our price plans.
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