Editing in Adobe Lightroom can be a fickle beast… but a powerful one. If you’re serious about editing your wedding photos, chances are you’re going to need to wrap your head around Lightroom at one point or another. So we’ve...

Editing wedding photos is an important part of the photography process. And your photo editing style also determines your turnaround time for wedding photos. Though there is no one answer to the question, "How long does it take a photographer...
What does having a good Wedding Workflow mean to you? Sometimes the gap between engagements and weddings is a full year, so how do you often use that time? Do you relax and put off preparations until one week before...
Here at ShootDotEdit, we encourage you to Outsource Wedding Photo Edits! We provide photography editing services for professional wedding photographers and, as such, Outsourcing wedding photo edits is, we believe, the best way to streamline your post-wedding workflow. You’re able...

As a wedding photographer, you are constantly on the move. That is why Lightroom Mobile is one of the best features of Lightroom CC. When you know how to sync Lightroom Mobile, you can adjust, add, remove, and share your...

As a wedding photographer, there are many reasons to learn how to add white background in Photoshop. If you are wondering whether this photo editing technique deserves your time and effort, then we’d like to draw your attention to all those...
As a wedding photographer, it is important to know how to reduce noise in Lightroom for your images. Before the digital age, it was practically impossible to reduce noise and remove graininess from photos. Luckily, Adobe Lightroom makes it relatively...
As a wedding photographer, you may know how to merge layers in Photoshop. There is also a chance you may not, especially if you are not the one who applies additional effects to your images in post. Keep reading to...

Take a minute to think about your current editing workflow. Chances are, you have needed to know how to rotate photo in Lightroom more than a few times. Of all the potential issues that could distract from the quality of...
Cropping is one of the most basic functions of any post production tool, yet it is one of the most complicated tasks to truly master. While there are many suggested guides and tools for effectively cropping a given image, knowing...