A wedding is more than just your couple starting a new journey together. It’s such an important day for them and, with all their friends and family members coming together to celebrate their special day, you simply can’t run out of fun wedding photo ideas. Once you are done taking the classic and formal photographs of your couple and their guests, you can move on to the fun photos. From different perspectives and unique poses to including wedding props, there are endless ways to make wedding photos fun. And in this blog, we bring you 10 creative and fun wedding photo ideas that you can add to your shot list to turn up the fun in your next wedding photography gig.
10 Must-Take Fun Wedding Photo Ideas
1. Experiment with Angles

It might take a few tries – for you and your models – but eventually, getting that perfect jumping shot is worth it! This is the time for your bride and groom to let out their inner child, so let the wedding party or even some family members join them for this photo. Accompanied by some silly faces and photo-worthy laughs, this fun wedding photo idea could be your go-to for every wedding! Alternatively, you could also get people to huddle up together and then shoot from below.
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2. Champagne Showers
If your couple is popping champagne on their wedding day, don’t miss out on the chance of converting that moment into a fun wedding photo idea. Get the wedding party and close family members to stand with the couple, and direct your couple to get the timing right. You could always redo the scene (granted there are enough champagne bottles), but if you plan it perfectly and have your camera ready, you could get this shot in one go.
3. Use Props

Wedding-themed balloons, color bombs, confetti, sparklers, lanterns – these props are great for outdoor wedding photography ideas and also add a fun element to photos. You can have your models pose next to the balloons, or you could also put a bunch of them together to use as a background for photos. Color or smoke bombs come in a variety of colors and are perfect for outdoor photography too. The bride and groom can hold the smoke bombs as you take photos. If you are using sparklers, you can get the guests to hold them around your couple as you blur them out and shift the focus on your couple. You could also consider bubble-making guns!
4. Wedding Party Fun
Including some wedding party photo ideas in your shot list is a must. The wedding or bridal party is there to ensure that your couple gets to take a break from the bride and groom duties and have some fun at their wedding. Whether it’s getting ready photos of the bride and groom with their bridal party or documenting their moves on the dance floor, getting some pictures of the wedding party on their own and with your couple is a fun wedding photo idea you definitely can’t skip.
Suggested Read: 35 Must-Have Bridal Party Photos
5. Get In The Wedding Car

Even though they are not exactly a new addition, one of the under-appreciated settings for unique wedding photos is in the car, limo, party bus, or whatever form of transportation your couple chooses. Get your bride and groom and their closest friends and family and photograph them inside, outside, or even on top of the car. Ask them to have fun, talk to each other, and document the action. You could also mix it up by asking them to pose for you.
6. Tossing the Bouquet
You have seen it in movies, and the chances are that you have probably seen it at weddings you have photographed too. Tossing of the bouquet is always a fun moment, and when photographed right, it’s bound to result in some fun images and some unplanned, unique wedding photography poses too. Besides getting a photo of the bride tossing the bouquet, try to document those waiting to catch it too.
7. Do Let The Dogs Out
Your couple trusts you to document their wedding in the most unique and stunning way. And they are also counting on you to include all their family members in the shot list. Therefore, when it comes to fun wedding photo ideas, remember to include your bride and groom’s furry friends in the shot list. Besides the ‘awww’ reactions, pets also bring an element of fun to wedding photos. Even though they might not know how to pose perfectly, your couple is bound to have fun trying to get their pet to stay still and pose. And it’s in this process that you might just capture some unique and adorable images.
8. Make Use of The Location

If there’s a forest nearby or the venue has a unique, rustic vibe to it – think of a fun way to pose your couples in a way that also shows off the location. You could even recreate iconic poses, think The Beatles at Abbey Road or any other popular Hollywood references. The point is to capture something fun while taking advantage of the location. Even if you are indoors, find interesting backgrounds or furniture that you could pose your models with.
Suggested Read: Top 10 Tips For Indoor Wedding Photography
9. Let The Games Begin
Getting people’s competitive side out is always a great way to capture some fun photographs. A pillow fight, a game of tug of war, or any other game that involves competition, winning, and losing is bound to get your models excited. You could try this with the couple and their bridal party or even involve other family members. Remember, things might happen quickly, so you have to be quick. Focus on your models’ expressions and capture photos that easily show the fun element of this setting.
10. The Selfie Shot
Everyone at weddings is taking a selfie – be it the bride, groom, or the guests. In order to use this fun wedding photo idea, you have to keep up with what’s happening around you. As soon as you see someone taking a selfie, capture them in action. How many times have you seen a large group of people trying to take a selfie, fail, and burst out laughing simultaneously? It’s a common sight at weddings, and even though they might not get their perfect selfie, you might just be able to take advantage of that moment and get a perfect fun shot. In between the commotion of who stands where and who gets the best lighting, take the opportunity to take some funny wedding photos as your models work on getting that Instagram-worthy selfie.
Don’t Force It, Go With The Flow

More Fun Wedding Photo Ideas By ShootDotEdit Customers
1. Apollo Fields
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @apollofields
2. Looyenga Photography
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @looyengaphoto
3. Flavio D Photography
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @flavio_d_photography
4. Melissa Fe Chapman Photography
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @melissafechapmanphotography
5. Olson Design Photography
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @olsondesignphotography
Even though the above list mentions a variety of fun wedding photo ideas, you must remember that not every idea will work with every couple. By the time you get to the wedding day, you will already know your couple better and have your own ideas for fun wedding photos for them. Fun wedding photos are all about letting your models enjoy and let loose. Even if none of the ideas in your shot list are working, they might have their own idea of fun. So be open to collaborating with your subjects. Remember, in the end, it’s about real-life fun moments being captured to serve as memories for years to come. As long as people are having fun, your photos will automatically have the same vibe.
At ShootDotEdit, we are passionate about helping your wedding photography business grow. And to do that, we offer your professional wedding editing services that help lessen your post-production workload. To learn more about how we can help, check out our pricing plans.
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